13.November 2000

Member left us


Me ShAoLiNsTyLe leaves GUNS. Just my members know why.
There are some intern reasons.


ShAoLiNsTyLe out




10.November 2000

Member left us


BLooD has left us today. There are some intern reasons with shall not
be public.

ShAoLiNsTyLe out





2.November 2000



We played the peeps of [*mup*]. See Fights Section for more details.

And BLooD changed his nickname to: PrOpHeT

ShAoLiNsTyLe out





1.November 2000

GUNS LAN Video and a new TMs


-GUNS.Apprentice- made a video about the GUNS LAN.
Its a short but very nice video. ThX Appi. Good work!


Got 2 new Testmembers.
Welcome: -GUNS.Casper- *tM* and
-GUNS.ArRoW- *tM*

KeldoR is Fullmember now!

And btw:
Apprentice will be inactive for 10 months.
He gotta go to the army :).

GL m8.


ShAoLiNsTyLe out





26.October 2000

New Patch and Clanwar


We played [SdF].

The new HL patchs out. Version:

Here's da link: New HL Patch Version


ShAoLiNsTyLe out





23.October 2000

- TriGger has left the game


TriGger has left GUNS and HL.
Watch the GUNS forum.



ShAoLiNsTyLe out





15.October 2000

Clanwar and Testmember

KeldoR has joined us. He was in -VD-.

And we played [EN].


ShAoLiNsTyLe out




7.October 2000

Clanwar and Testmember

We played =[iA]= and we got a new Testmember ---> KraHzY. Its a friend of
Rufy and Lemon. GL m8 :).


ShAoLiNsTyLe out





5.October 2000


Here we go members list is up to date..
Lemon and BLooD are now fullmembers of GUNS.
Hope there will be no stress in the clan and that all of the members
will become friends :-)

I also announce that there is a lanparty of GUNS upcoming this october ask
shao for more details.
If anyone has a hub or maybe a switch please bring it to the lan-party so that everybody is connected to the net.....
Maybe we then have an Intranet ,if GOD is with us we all will be online at icq so that we can communcate with all friends in da hole world :-))

ok think thats all lets frag!!!!!!!!!!!!!


GanGstarR out



1.October 2000

Clanwar and Testmember

Just played vs. xTs =). I think u know where to find it ;).

And CyBeR left us. He thought that he'd be too bad for us.
I dont think so, but now he has already changed to -xTs-.


ShAoLiNsTyLe out





29. September 2000


Had a Clanwar against NoC. It was chaos.
Fights section :).


ShAoLiNsTyLe out





26. September 2000


Balistor is fullmember now and
we got a new Testmember AGAIN! ;)


ShAoLiNsTyLe out





25. September 2000

New Testmember and some bad news =(((

Got a new Testmember ;). Patriot.
Think u know him. He just played @ iA.

Welcome m8 =).
[-GUNS-]-PaTr][0T- *tM*

Now I got some bad news:
TriGger gotta go back to the UNI. He'll be inactive for 3 fuckin months.
Now we try to keep winnin, also without TriGger =((((((.

CyA m8 =(.


ShAoLiNsTyLe out






23. September 2000

PI8 Video

Apprentice made a video about the PI8 in Hamburg. Its very very great =).
Gotta c it. Here's the link: PI8 Video (140 MB ! )

More Information u can find on the Natobase HP or

Its nice to hear that Apprentice could win the HL DM 1on1 Tournament.
He had to play against guys like: [???]MagixMax or [???]Reaper.
But our Appi did it =).


ShAoLiNsTyLe out





22. September 2000


We just played against BoP. They had no chance =).
Results ------> Fights Section :).


ShAoLiNsTyLe out





18. September 2000

Clanwar|2on2 and a new mirc channel

Yesterday we played against SdF in the CB 2on2 Ladder.
Look @ Fights section.

And we got a new mirc channel.
Visit it: quakenet.eu.org


ShAoLiNsTyLe out






12. September 2000

New Testmembers

Today we got a new Testmember.
Ex- [UDS]Balistor.

Welcome: [-GUNS-]Balistor *tM*

And we got another Testmember.
Ex- -IK-Cyber joined us.

[-GUNS-]-CyBeR- *tM*

Welcome m8s =).


ShAoLiNsTyLe out





11. September 2000

Clanwar against [pmers]

Yeah today it was the day, we had to fight against
[pmers]. It was a nice fight and I think we gotta
find better tactics and play better Teamplay to
beat them. =)


ShAoLiNsTyLe out





10. September 2000



Dr. Unix is fullmember now. Wish him GL =).


Today night we gonna have a hard fight against [pmers].
We'll do our best =).


ShAoLiNsTyLe out





6. September 2000


About 15 minutes ago we played against TBF (The Bavarian Fraggers).

C the result under da Fights Section.


ShAoLiNsTyLe out




30. August 2000


We won the clanwar against Voodoo and the 2on2 War
against the -UC-2on2 Team.

Visit fights section for more info...


GanGstarR out





27. August 2000


I made a second Clanmodel for [-GUNS-]. Its my
first try, but look at it at least =)...
U can find the model under
the files section.

ShAoLiNsTyLe out




26. August 2000


We'll have a Clanserver soon.


ShAoLiNsTyLe out




23. August 2000


We lost the War against PRO coz our teamplay fucked up. Visit the Fights Section for more


ShAoLiNsTyLe out




20. August 2000


We won the Clanwar against [MFC]. Look under the Clanwar Section.

ShAoLiNsTyLe out




17. August 2000

Clanwar against [I-K-F]

We played against [I-K-F] today and it was a very nice Match.

I gotta say that [I-K-F] was a very fair opponent.

btw: CoR is fullmember now.



ShAoLiNsTyLe out




15. August 2000

New Testmember

We got a new Testmember again. His name: -CoR-. He's from Germany and we

gonna test him a little bit. But I think he's good enuff to join us.


ShAoLiNsTyLe out




14. August 2000

New Member and many Clanwars

We got a new member again and again from Belgium ;).
RUfRydaH has joined us.
Welcome to GUNS =). Wish u a great time and happy fragging ;).


And other good news: TriGger is back ;).


And we have many Clanwars next time:


19.8. clanwar against [XtremeS]
20.8. clanwar against [MFC]

24.8. clanwar against [SCF]

27.8. clanwar against [BURN]

30.8. clanwar against [voodoo]

greetz to [voodoo]Stoned ;)


ShAoLiNsTyLe out




11. August 2000

New Member


Today we got a new member,his name is BlaSter.He is from Belgium and i hope that the "frag"

is with em. : - )

Hope he`ll have a great time at GUNS and that he brings us a good score in our clanwars section.



GanGstarR out




11. August 2000

New Forum


We have new forum hosted by HL-Clans! U can visit the official forum by clickin on the Forum button.

We also have an intern forum. U click on Intern but u have to know the password ;).

Intern is the member area.


And theres a new feature under the Members page. U can click on the nicknames

and then u will c infos bout the members and u will hear their favorite music song =). Was hard to decide
which song should be upped ;).


17.8 clanwar against [I-K-F]

20.8 clanwar against [TSK]


GanGstarR out



6. August 2000



TriGger is in hungary for a week,hope he'll b back for the next clanwar !


GanGstarR out




5. August 2000




We won the clanwar against [BB] the score was 88/86. See fights page for more info...


GanGstarR out



4. August 2000

New Layout



RaZoR did really nice work with our Clanpage ;). Plz visit www.MSF-Clan.de for his hard work.